Title: Pre-nuptial Agreement
Anime/Manga: Gakuen Alice
Pairing: Natsume x Mikan
Genre: Romance, Family
A/N: Just a little muck-up after watching some romance flicks.
And yes, it’s an AU, and Natsume is a little OOC.
“Pre-nup?” Mikan Sakura’s voice was laced with hurt as she looked at her fiancee. Natsume Hyuuga just shrugged. He invited her someplace and she willingly obliged. They are a couple for 15 years already, ever since their academy days, until now that they are released and are living peacefully outside the academy.
He proposed a month ago and they are going to be married this month. And Mikan is so shocked to learn that Natsume wanted her to sign a prenuptial agreement. She kept silent, of course, why would she decline? It’s not as if she is after the Hyuuga’s money, but the thing that had hurt her was Natsume’s distrust. This is so not like him.
She was very down and Natsume doesn’t bother to even notice it, much more ask her about her. The stupid, idiotic, selfish flame-caster. They arrived at his attorney’s place, which is, much to Mikan’s shock, Koko’s place. The mind-reader’s an attorney? In other circumstances, she is laughing already but this is not the time to be happy for others. “Are the papers ready?” Natsume asked his friend with a surprisingly, glint in his eyes. “Here they are.” Koko answered with his , she now realized, conspiracy grin. But Mikan is so annoyed and hurt to notice. She received the papers and began to read it, only to find these premises.
She must love her husband the way he loves her, immeasurably.
She must accept that her husband is an ass sometimes, and that may trigger fights.
She must realize that she is her husband’s ray of sunshine, that losing her would mean death to him.
She MUST always smile and never show tears, because that will break her husbands heart.
She should allow, accept that her husband really likes peaking at her undies, for no apparent reason other than he likes to tease her.
She should understand that her husband will be a very strict father, especially if their daughter looks so much like her, and that their son has an alice like him.
She SHOULD promise that if that day comes, she should accept it and continue on living, because that would make him happy.
She should promise that she will not look at other men except for her husband because he could kill, especially if that guy is Shadow-freak.
She should understand that in the last premise, her husband will do the same.
And her husband swears that all the things written in this agreement are 100% true, the stupid Mind-reader attorney made sure of that.
She MUST believe that her husband will love her, cherish her, for the rest of his already short life.
Lastly, if ever she gave up on being herself, smiling stupidly, whining unreasonably and loving her husband, he will die of a broken heart.
This agreement, written this 23rd of July, exactly a month before their wedding, is a proof of the husband’s undying love and devotion to his wife.As a promise, he will do anything he can, even do the impossible for her and their would-be children’s well-being. They had gone trough a lot and this agreement will be one of the bonds that will bind them forever.
Signed: Natsume Hyuuga
After reading the last sentence, Mikan Sakura, 25 years old, smiled and asked for a pen. “This is so Natsume,” she thought as she signed the ‘Pre-nuptial Agreement’. She even ended it with With Love, Your Bride , and showed it to her husband-to-be. She is already planning for her own version of pre-nup.
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