It just did.
No preliminaries.I didn't even notice it. Weeks of preparation for a miniscule 60 minute presentation. Is it worth it? I hope so, because honestly, it brought relief. It's finally over. Don't get me wrong, I really, really really, enjoyed these past few days but there's always this nagging thought that I may not have pleased everybody with the decisions I made.
Another end would be Tsubasa Chronicle's last chappie. They (Syaoran and Sakura) had the same REAL names, and it's.... hmmm.. let's see... It's kind of childish. Nah, I don't think so. And I've learned something of not-so-great importance. Date of Birth and Real Names should be kept private. Because they are windows to our souls. Or so Yuuko says. It's creepy in a cute way. What an oxymoron. Oh well..
A co- otaku updated me on the new Gakuen Alice chapter which is chapter 152, and she told me that it can be found on Youtube. I hesitated at first, seeing it as a fraud, because surely, behind_thy_
crimson_eyes will be able to scanlate them for Mangafox the soonest as possible. Then I decided to check it out and yeah, there really is a new chapter. Only it was RAW!!
RAW- which means it was not scanned, translated, cleaned, proofread... How can I read kanji or katakana?
And I was back to waiting. AGAIN. Tachibana-sensei! When will you update?
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Star- Crossed
I cry for you, Train Heartnet..

For you and Saya..
Because I don't get it! How can this anime be so cruel? I would've accepted it if it wasn't part of the anime's timeline id est a flashback but no! It is a part of the story, making it look tragic. The whole story itself is confusing, but I can't seem to give it up. I'm a sucker for good storylines and this one's definitely not my type but still...
Maybe because I'm still hoping that some miracles may happen, that someone... AAAAARRRGGGHH.. That is not possible. No No No No.
And yeah, I despise you, Creed Diskenth. You ended something so wonderful. It was heartbreaking. And you are soooo gay! I effin' hate you!
For you and Saya..
Because I don't get it! How can this anime be so cruel? I would've accepted it if it wasn't part of the anime's timeline id est a flashback but no! It is a part of the story, making it look tragic. The whole story itself is confusing, but I can't seem to give it up. I'm a sucker for good storylines and this one's definitely not my type but still...
Maybe because I'm still hoping that some miracles may happen, that someone... AAAAARRRGGGHH.. That is not possible. No No No No.
And yeah, I despise you, Creed Diskenth. You ended something so wonderful. It was heartbreaking. And you are soooo gay! I effin' hate you!
City Lights
City Lights
His wristwatch says it is already 8 p.m. Yet he still has to earn more. He stopped on the nearest gasoline station and asked for a gas refill on his taxi. He sighed, prices are just too much. He looked longingly at the crumpled hundreds that will be handed to the gasoline boy. He must earn more; earn more, for his only son’s education, for his wife’s medication, for them to be able to survive, must earn more. It became like a mantra, earn more money, and earn more money. For what will a poor man like himself be able to achieve without earning enough money? His family will starve, and he is just a poor man. Must earn more.
She needs to go home now. She forgot to cook something for her fifteen-year old son and he must be cranky now. Forcing herself to stand up and stretch her worn out muscles after a long day of just sitting down, she tried to finish all of the reports that are needed for the next day’s meeting. “I’ll just buy him the special menu on this famous restaurant then,” she muttered, “he will surely love it.” She closed her desktop computer and turned off the lights on her office, leaving only the red emergency lights on. She then bid her associates goodbye, and headed for the door.
He is a husband and a father to an only son. A taxi driver, earning just enough for three meals a day, his son’s allowance, and his beloved wife’s costly medicines. Struggling.
She is a working single mom, raising her only son on her own. But she is doing fine, being a senior associate of the firm that she is working on. Pretty stable job.
He treasures his family much.
She never got close to her son.
It was that time of night. When people care about no one other than herself/ himself. Survival of the Fittest is the name of the game. Survival being the operative word. Morality, ethics, and concern. These three has been a thing of the past. Survival has the least possibility when you possess these three. And the taxi driver had one. Concern. He was blindly driving his way through that road, his mind has since gone numb from all the poverty that can be seen when he looks out of the car’s windows. Then he noticed an old woman at the middle of the street, looking like a deer in the headlights, shock written all over her face. He didn’t think twice, and he swerved to the right, where a truck is running too fast to be able to avoid that taxi who suddenly went out of its lane. The green light for vehicles went red, as if saying “pedestrians may now pass.”
It was that time of the night, when thugs and hooligans are at large. When they destroy things and lives. When killing is but a normal action. She was walking that street to her favorite restaurant. She is already thinking of the better dinner that will make her son less irritated of her. Unbeknownst to the woman, someone is in the shadows, his menacing eyes following her every step.
“ She is late again,” a fifteen- year old boy muttered, “she always forgets about me.”
Life is fair, in a way that nobody can avoid its injustice.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Tsubasa Chronicles Quotes
I totally loved the lines that I unknowingly open my Word every time I continue reading this manga. And it actually brought me to tears.
The showdown of CLAMP's previous characters, in one breathtaking storyline.
“But then, crying when you need to cry is another way to show strength.” – Fai D. Flourite
“There are no coincidences, there is only destiny.” – Yuuko (Dimensional Witch, Southern Witch)
“To be able to use all your might on someone else’s behalf, that’s a wonderful strength as well.” –Syaoran
“Don’t look down… If you have something you must do, then look forward!” –Kurogane
Note: Fai’s Staff xxxHolic Chapter 44
“The ones I hate the most are those who give up their live before all hopes are gone” – Kurogane
“Wins or losses have no ifs. When you win, you win, when you lose, you lose.” – Ryu-oh*
Note: He’s the Kiji hunter of the Outo Country.
“Please don’t hide your pain from me. I know that I can’t do anything to help, but at least let me worry about you.” – Sakura
“Become stronger and stronger. Who you are does not matter, what others do to stop you does not matter either.” – Ashura-ou
“No one can resurrect the dead, not even those who are called gods, that’s why within this limited amount of time in our lives; we have to live for things we believe in, no matter what.” –Fujitaka
Note : Avery good-titled chappie.. Chapter 68 “ Longing That Transcends Through Time”
“The future has been rewritten, isn’t it?” – Fai D. Fluorite (I just love his name!)
“But it was love, lots of love!” – Mokona
“Quit playing around and think about the present.” –Kurogane
“Even if it does belong to someone else, even if it is fake, to the person who receives it, that heart is the real thing.” –Fai
Note: Chapter 120, where it is revealed that the Syaoran in Wong’s side is the real one.
“Shut up! If you want to die so much, I’ll kill you. Until then, live.” – Kurogane
Note: Sheesh! Yuuko doing her test in the worst time! Hah!!!! *relief*
“Waiting is more painful than going together with her. Is believing so frightening?” – Kurogane
“But because she is strong, she is also fragile.” – Kurogane
“Even if she knows, she can’t tell. Even if she wants to help, she cannot. There’s nothing as painful as this, is there?”
“That the world, to those who understand its existence, is not a single entity.” – Sakura
“Thanks to the choice you made, another future was set in place. And the choice you have yet to make, will decide another…” - Yuuko
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Prenuptial Agreement
Title: Pre-nuptial Agreement
Anime/Manga: Gakuen Alice
Pairing: Natsume x Mikan
Genre: Romance, Family
A/N: Just a little muck-up after watching some romance flicks.
And yes, it’s an AU, and Natsume is a little OOC.
“Pre-nup?” Mikan Sakura’s voice was laced with hurt as she looked at her fiancee. Natsume Hyuuga just shrugged. He invited her someplace and she willingly obliged. They are a couple for 15 years already, ever since their academy days, until now that they are released and are living peacefully outside the academy.
He proposed a month ago and they are going to be married this month. And Mikan is so shocked to learn that Natsume wanted her to sign a prenuptial agreement. She kept silent, of course, why would she decline? It’s not as if she is after the Hyuuga’s money, but the thing that had hurt her was Natsume’s distrust. This is so not like him.
She was very down and Natsume doesn’t bother to even notice it, much more ask her about her. The stupid, idiotic, selfish flame-caster. They arrived at his attorney’s place, which is, much to Mikan’s shock, Koko’s place. The mind-reader’s an attorney? In other circumstances, she is laughing already but this is not the time to be happy for others. “Are the papers ready?” Natsume asked his friend with a surprisingly, glint in his eyes. “Here they are.” Koko answered with his , she now realized, conspiracy grin. But Mikan is so annoyed and hurt to notice. She received the papers and began to read it, only to find these premises.
She must love her husband the way he loves her, immeasurably.
She must accept that her husband is an ass sometimes, and that may trigger fights.
She must realize that she is her husband’s ray of sunshine, that losing her would mean death to him.
She MUST always smile and never show tears, because that will break her husbands heart.
She should allow, accept that her husband really likes peaking at her undies, for no apparent reason other than he likes to tease her.
She should understand that her husband will be a very strict father, especially if their daughter looks so much like her, and that their son has an alice like him.
She SHOULD promise that if that day comes, she should accept it and continue on living, because that would make him happy.
She should promise that she will not look at other men except for her husband because he could kill, especially if that guy is Shadow-freak.
She should understand that in the last premise, her husband will do the same.
And her husband swears that all the things written in this agreement are 100% true, the stupid Mind-reader attorney made sure of that.
She MUST believe that her husband will love her, cherish her, for the rest of his already short life.
Lastly, if ever she gave up on being herself, smiling stupidly, whining unreasonably and loving her husband, he will die of a broken heart.
This agreement, written this 23rd of July, exactly a month before their wedding, is a proof of the husband’s undying love and devotion to his wife.As a promise, he will do anything he can, even do the impossible for her and their would-be children’s well-being. They had gone trough a lot and this agreement will be one of the bonds that will bind them forever.
Signed: Natsume Hyuuga
After reading the last sentence, Mikan Sakura, 25 years old, smiled and asked for a pen. “This is so Natsume,” she thought as she signed the ‘Pre-nuptial Agreement’. She even ended it with With Love, Your Bride , and showed it to her husband-to-be. She is already planning for her own version of pre-nup.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
I Fail!
Results Day, after ng soooo depressing Exam week, is a mooooore depressing results and giving of grades week... Gaaaahh!! When will this effin' end?
Seriously, I like Accounting, but I can't help thinking na, maybe, there's something out there that is really for me. Pero baka nga ito na talaga ang kapalaran ko...
What's in the future anyway? Can't we all just shrug off all our worries and just, live? That won't do. In order to live, we need the basics, like this and that.. In order for us to obtain those, we need some sort of value, like money or authority or power. Things that make the world spin round and round, making all those inside of it dizzy and yes, it is such a complicated world.
It is but normal to feel insecurity, but acting towards it is not so good, and I think I made good today. Aside from the fact that I did fail, I didn't result to being bitter, or even silently bitter. No, I am for myself, and if ever I do fail, it is because of me. I do not look unto others' blessings and wish for them myself, I understand that things are just meant that way, and that it is unfair and fair at the same time. There must be something stored out there just for me. Just for me. Life is not bad but also not kind. It is up to us, humans to make good on ourselves and maybe, just maybe, we do find what 'that' is.
Fairy Tail Episode 96
A very good filler episode. I already miss Mystogan/ Jellal? Yes yes... It's kind of awful that he's got to leave the guild but he does have his own world, with problems, and that it is necessary. Come to think of it, he's done enough for Fairy Tail! He annihilated the whole Phantom guild, less the main members, and that is a very great feat. There are scenes that aren't found in the manga and I'm grateful for that, because those scenes were the reasons that I hang on. I could just read the manga and kill the suspense in the anime, but surprisingly, I didn't even notice that I'm laughing at a joke for the second time. That's how good it is. Hmmmm... What does Zeref actually want from Natsu anyway? It is still unknown in the anime and in the manga and I'm dying to know. The Edolas arc is finished in the anime, and the S-Class Trials Arc is nearly, if not, done in the manga, from which I can conclude that 2 or more filler episodes are still needed or they just start the S-Class Trials in the anime without waiting for the mangaka to finish the said arc. And I can't believe how creepy Edo-Gajeel and Gajeel can be, there's just no way in hell that THE Gajeel would be a journalist, someone related to the papers just like Levy-chan <3 .. And his curly hair, the one who created that character, must be Hiro Mashima, is a genius! Hahaha.. Lol.... And now that Lisanna is back in Earthland, BACK OFF LUCY HEARTFILLIA!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
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